New Year + Full Moon + New Habits

By: Ginger
This new year isn’t trying to hold back. We’re stepping through with every possible opportunity we can. With the full moon on the first in Cancer (does anyone else feel like they need to be more grounded?) it’s time to focus on our home. This is where we take what we need from. It’s more than just comforts. It’s a place of balance. My full moon ritual for this cycle is based on digging in so we can place roots that go so deep change moves through us.

I’ve had a lot of goals come to the surface since the last dark moon. Emotions can and generally do run high during the full moon. This will also be a Supermoon. It’s closer so it will appear 30% brighter. Let’s go with the energy will be stronger too. Let’s come out of this with a solid plan of action.
With my ritual we’ll need Canela Prayers Clay Mask, your choice of tea* (I’ll leave a personal recipe at the end if you’d like a suggestion) a mirror, favorite incense, piece of paper and pencil. While pulling on your own inner needs apply the Canela Prayers Clay Mask. This will bring in the earth element that’s critical for grounding. Set up your incense on your mirror. Get your tea going. You’re currently creating your space, this is all yours, only your energy is here. Let yourself relax into this.
Now remove your mask. You’ve detoxed your skin...pulled impurities away. The Bentonite Clay has left your skin smelling and feeling amazing. Hold onto that moment just for awhile.
Once your tea is ready, it’s now time to get comfortable in front of the mirror and paper. Light the incense and sip your tea. Whenever you’re ready start listing your goals of 2018. Anything that’s bubbled to the surface.
I often use tarot to direct my thoughts and the Empress card came forward when I sat down to find my focus for this ritual. Growing roots (which will come from last years seeds) will bring prosperity and abundance. Balancing home life. Finding peace in decisions, and searching for your center.
Even as I list those out I had a heavy moment of “well couldn’t we just learned to cook better?” Life has a sense of humor somewhere. I’m practically chugging tea at this point too. How do we balance our home? List the chaos that’s there. Uncertain schedules? Loved ones making choices that’s not playing to the team? Frustrations from a significant other? Or are you unhappy with how you handle things? Remember to keep in mind how the things you write down are making you feel, there’s a solution in that.
What brings negativity to your life? Outside forces. Ones that are selfish and just need
something from you. Things that demand way more then they are willing to give. And when they have to give... it’s a battle? There’s no easy answer here. It’s catching the details and making quick decisions. When it comes to ourselves being the one not taking action and creating the chaos it’s time to look at motivation and why. We want our seeds to grow, not have the energy pulled away from them. If it’s outside forces it’s time to cut ties. If it’s yourself...look for inner strength and motivate yourself to change.
Finding your center starts with how you care for your body, mind and soul. Making healthier choices, being mindful and knowledgeable about what you need. Through self care such as the products we put on our body, the food that we eat... It’s how Gaia speaks to us. Nurtures us.

Winter Tea Recipe

• 1 teaspoon calendula flowers
• 1 teaspoon peppermint
• Lavender blossoms
• And a splash of tea to taste if you prefer (use non caffeinated)


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